Bruno Marques: Presidente da IFLA é de novo português

Tal como o Prof. F. Caldeira Cabral foi eleito como 5º Presidente da IFLA por votação internacional, Bruno Marques, um Alumni do ISA, Prof. na Universidade Wellington na Nova Zelândia, foi recentemente eleito 23º Presidente da IFLA.

O Presidente da IFLA irá descerrar a placa de homenagem da Alameda Prof. Caldeira Cabral em conjunto com o Presidente do ISA, Prof. António Brito, na sexta-feira, dia 30 de setembro, pelas 19h00.

Bruno Marques. completed his Landscape Architecture studies at the University of Lisbon, School of Agriculture (ISA) and Berlin Technical University ( 2002 and 2007) followed by his PhD studies at the University of Otago (New Zealand). Bruno has practised in Germany, Estonia, the United Kingdom and New Zealand, having a large portfolio of built projects. During the past nine years at Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand, he has developed a research agenda to embrace the formulation of frameworks on landscape rehabilitation, cultural landscapes, place-making and Indigenous community health and wellbeing. He currently is the Associate Dean for the Faculty of Architecture and Design Innovation and the immediate past Head of the Landscape Architecture Department. He has been a contributor to the International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA) and is now its current President.
